Roberto (architect) and Rodolfo (maestro d’arte) co-founders of the Art Gallery Studio Iguarnieri and Iguarnieri sign, were born in Florence respectively in 1956 and 1963. Guarnieri’s family workshop was established in 1944 in the Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini 39, San Niccolò neighbourhood were now it turned into their unique florentine contemporary Bottega.
The multiple hands work is inspired by the ideal of the florentine workshop of the Renaissance.
Contemporary fresco paintings surfaces, traditional techniques with modern materials, Florentine design approaches in a quick time execution work.
Currently, many Iguarnieri paintings are in private and public collections in Europe, USA, Australia, Asia. In 2005 we started making “on site” fresco paintings in Florence, Italy, United States, Luxemburg, Moscow, Dubai, for individual customers as well as public and private Companies.
The artists studio is located by the Arno riverside, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini 39, Florence.
“Iguarnieri, creates contemporary art in Florence, working as the Old Masters used to, which means: “at the traditional studio”. My brother and I along other artist and collaborators we create artworks with antique techniques and modern approach, for the art lovers as well as ourselves. For those whom love and appreciate Italian art and beauty with high quality standars.
The history, the culture, the experience from our past and our loves, Giotto’s Bottega, Botticelli’s damsels, Modigliani’s nude, Picasso’s Portraits, Andy Warhol and The Factory, the Turner’s atmosphere, transforming and becoming contemporary art.
“It all began in 2000 with our first exhibition of fresco paintings made in the studio while we continues our jobs of forniture and interior architecture…
Since then, for 20 years, we have worked in small and large operas all over Italy and abroad also by private patron commission, which have received favorable approval and confirmation.
Our creative perception is to represent artistic themes in the humanity around us, with a Florentine influence. The old’s master’s work is the foundation always of our making art in painting as in sculpture…”

Roberto Guarnieri
Artist, Painter, Sculptor, Architect.

Rodolfo Guarnieri
Artist, Painter, Sculptor, Ebonist

Romano Bacci
Artist, Painter, Sculptor

Sabrina Gaitan
Artist, Photographer and Filmmaker

Artworks in private and public collections:
Abu Dhabi City AE, Andover MA, Alpharetta GA, Al Ahmadi, KUO, Amsterdam, NED, Ashe- ville NC, Atherton CA , Atlanta GA, Badolato CZ, Bakersfield CA, Berkeley CA , Beverly Hills CA, Bellevue WA, Blandford MA, Bonneuil FR, Boston MA, Boulogne FR, Boulder CO, Brisbane AU, Buenos Aires AR, Bronxville NY, Breslavia PO, Bruxelles BE, Calabasas CA, Calgary CA, Cancun ME, Carmel CA, Cape Town South Africa, Chennai IN, Chicago IL, Cincinnati OH, Clayfield AUS, Collonge-Belrive CH, Cologny CH, Colorado Springs CO, Cremorne AU, Denver CO, Doha QA, Edmont UK, El Paso TX, Euerberg DE, Freiburg DE, Frisco TX, Fort Worth TX, Glen Iris AU, Gloucestershire UK, Greens Beach Tazmania, Gre- enville SC, Greenwich UK, Gold Coast AU, Guildford AU, Hallandale FL, Hamburg DE, Hamilton CA, Hamilton TX, Heerlen NL, Hoboken NJ, Hong Kong HK, Houston TX, Irvine CA, ITALY, Jarlasa SE, Jersey City NJ, Kennenbunkport ME, Laguna Beach CA, Lake Ridge VA, Lexington KY, Les Suves FR, Lillestrøm Norway, Ljungsarp SE, London UK, Los Ange- les CA, Louisville KY, Malaga ES, Malibu CA, Mamaroneck NY, Melbourne AU, Metairie LA, Miami FL, Mill Valley CA, Milwaukee WI, Mission Viejo CA, Morgantown WV, Montana MT, Montreal CA, Moscow RU, Munich GER, Nairobi, KE, Naples FL, Nashville TN, Needham MA, Nigeria, New Delhi IN, New Haven CT, Newport Coast, CA, New Jersey NJ, New York NY, Newtown CT, North Venice FL, Norway, Oklahoma City OK, Portland OR, Paris FR, Pembroke FL, Pe- oria IL, Perth AU, Pesaro PU, Phoenix AZ, Port Harcout NGR, Richmond VA, Salt Lake City UT, Saint Davis UK, San Diego CA, San Francisco CA, San Juan PR, Sausalito CA, Savan- nah GA, St. Petersburg RU, Seattle WA, Sechelt CA, Shanghai CHN, Sidney AU, Singapore SH, Southport UK, St. Maxime FR, Stafford UK, SterlingVA, Stockholm SW, Sugar Land TX,
from our blog
Critics “Hands, in the magma of the visible”
The “manual” imprint which characterizes the fresco paintings of Iguarnieri apparently seems to distinguish itself through the various distances between figurations of reality and their representations. The given natural forms (landscape, human and vegetable forms) seem metamorphosed and exaggerated, in different ways, from the application of a very original technique of preparation and execution of the work: a type of fresco in progress applied to many different surfaces and capable of a myriad of following interventions until the final version is fixed. [expander_maker id=”2″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Within the skill of the manual gesture the great tradition of the florentine manual and artistic workshops where the highly imaginative concreteness of the craft is united with the capability of freely modulating the material by projecting one’s own inner perceptions onto it has accumulated. The gradual, clever manipulation the substance has to undergo (whitewash, pigments and then varnish) at times turns the initial given natural forms into a sort of “sinopia”: the initial mimesis is still visible in the background but has taken on the plastic nearly sculptural vitality of the bas-relief and communicates an expressiveness that is “magma-like” wind, current, furrowed: the dissolving element of the form that tends to disintegrate into cracks and incisions and is at the same time the unifying element of the work. It therefore occurs that the delicacy of colours and the sharp contours of the genuine form are “hardened” by the work completed by the artists on the surface; however, the modified material acquires an equally natural beauty by exuding a very strong “tactile” appeal that induces one to touch the relief of the finished works.In the Gallery Studio Iguarnieri the stratified modulation which is necessary for the realization lends the work a vitality that leaves the banal evidence of the initial visual stimulus behind and the same effect that sometimes nearly is hyperrealistic exudes a material vigour nearer to a hand-made object than to the painted work. In fact it is possible to define this bizarre creative process as an innovative blending of the painted signs in their colourful elaboration with their supporting surface. This process isn’t far from the technique used for the realization the bas-relief and the incisions where a greater “immersion” into the substance is necessary. The preciousness and uniqueness of the paintings show how the profound knowledge of the craft transfers itself spontaneously into the material that is being dealt with in that it returns an initial energy to the given genuine object. In the contemporary paintings of the Iguarnieri brothers therefore the process that joins the manual and physical gesture with the power of the inner forces that nourish the artistic action seems to condense itself with surprising clearness. Through the filter of personal sensitivity these forces come to influence the work by having an effect, smoothing and drawing together the forms of the visible. In some cases it is possible to describe this process as a sort of intense “regression” in which the figurative fact is reduced to a minimum, sometimes made unclear in its fundamental lines. The “physical quality” necessary in order to bring the work to life tends to re-absorb the contours of forms, the objectivity of the given visual facts in the magma-like vagueness from which, however, it should emerge, nearly realizing a sort of inversion of the creative process. In these works the representations appear suspended at the point of clear distinction between the given visual facts and their diminution held in a synthesis in which the sedimentation of the material tends to disguise, hide, re-immerse the form into the primordial core from which it emerged. The gesture of the hands completely recovers the legacy of a tradition based on a solid and irreplaceable experience of live contact with the material which is deeply known and discerningly elaborated in its innumerable expressive differences. However, the sensitivity of the Art Gallery Studio Iguarnieri -craftsmen, creating from their inner experimental restlessness, men that are bound to their own generation renew the experience of the past and restore it with the vigour of a technique that has become genuine device by means of which a different and more fruitful confrontation with reality occurs. [/expander_maker]
Prof. Leonello Rabatti