This is a new journey for the Iguarnieri bottega. Having experienced the evolutions in every sector of the contemporaneity we have now arrived to a new departing point. The artistic proposal of the New Modern category, is to define the declension in modern terms of the formal categories and conceptual of the Masters of modern art, who had expressed themselves with a graphic predominance and simplistic forms, flat colors and harmonic compositions with a total figurative revolution, known also as Avant-garde art.
Artists from Germany, France, Holland and from all over Europe gathered over the decades in the graphic, pictoric, typographic with editorial, manifest and documents research. The work of these artists was the nourishment that has consented to the birth, development and consolidation of undiscussed and undisputed success of the best artists of the twentieth century.
In the list above we suggest some of the Modern Art Masters who had inspired Iguarnieri in the process.