“San Romano Battle” by iguarnieri reinterprets this historical episode with a unique style, combining classical and modern elements. The technique used gives the work depth and dynamism, while the meticulous details and colour choices accentuate the action and vitality of the scene. Every figure, every movement is rendered with a precision that demonstrates the artist’s ability to capture moments of great visual and emotional impact.
Using the refined ’12 caresses’ technique, we transform the beauty of the subject into timeless works of art. It combines the techniques of old and modern masters, integrated into a contemporary artistic expression. Passion, technology and everyday research come together in the canvas, pushing the boundaries of tradition in an open and unlimited process to create our contemporary art works. They represent the perfect fusion of delicate surface touch, intricate engraving, and vibrant colours, enchanting and inspiring all who view them.
To explore our approach please click here.
The Iguarnieri workshop, located in the heart of Florence, is a jewel of the contemporary art scene. Our creations are proudly displayed in our art gallery in Florence and around the world.