Il quadro “Minerva” di Iguarnieri raffigura la dea romana della saggezza e della guerra, vista frontalmente. Minerva è rappresentata con una mano appoggiata sul fianco, conferendo alla figura una posa fiera e autorevole. Indossa un abito che avvolge elegantemente il suo corpo, con pieghe e drappeggi. L’opera si distingue per l’uso di tratti grossi e marcati, specialmente nelle ombre, che creano un forte contrasto e aggiungono profondità alla figura
Our body of work proudly stands within the “New Modern” category, drawing direct inspiration from the formidable European artists of the 20th century. This innovative category marks the confluence of unparalleled talent in graphic, painting, and typographic realms. The legacy of these maestros laid the groundwork for a rich heritage, from which our collection is inspired and emerges. Within it, we discern the influence of masters like Kandinsky and Joan Miró, among others, whose seminal contributions have not only shaped the course of art history but have also guided our artistic journey.
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Nestled in the vibrant heart of Florence, the Iguarnieri workshop is a gem of contemporary artistry. Our creations, a symbol of pride, are showcased not only in our Florentine gallery but also on the international stage.