Tasmania experience – Australia Chapter III

Tasmania experience


So Tasmania time ended now and here we gonna tell you just a bit of what happened there with our Iguarnieri artist Roberto, Rodolfo and company.

Landed in the far away land and to not get lost in the rhythm an Art Experience Workshop at the Exeter Art Studio with more than twenty attendants waited for them. Thanks to Joanne Ellings, her family and friends, the wonderful host who is leading all this Australian tour as local she is.

In this painting tour one of the most important thing was to spread the word and show people the fresco technique and the way that Iguarnieri applies it in contemporary art. So by making all these art experiences, fundraising, lessons and events Roberto and Rodolfo could transmit their Italian passion and handcraft painting from the Renaissance to the Australian public.

Another great and big event was “A day at the Goat” a crowded open day with music and wine tasting. the Iguarnieri painted along the vineyards some big blue glasses on fresco.

Following all these activities the italo australian group took some time off to fishing and relax. But as always art goes arm by arm with the nature and the inspiring places and moments, which of course made Roberto, Rodolfo and Joanne take brushes on hand and non stop painting producing.

A last really nice tap before leaving such a magical nature place was to visit a Wombat refugee, the contact with this unique animals, the endless nature and its beauty was way off beyond what they expected or could ask for.

So that’s all for now, thanks in the name of Iguarnieri, stay tuned for the next chapter though, lasts days ahead and for sure activities and more meetings to be done!

Best in life and art,


by Art Gallery Studio Iguarnieri




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