The dome designed by Brunelleschi in Florence is an exceptional blend of traditional methods used in Florence for a long time and newer materials. This fusion results in a masterpiece that stands the test of time and is also at the forefront of innovation.
This remarkable painting not only presents the Florence cathedral in a fresh and captivating manner, placing the city’s symbolic dome at the forefront, but it also effectively encapsulates the charm and intricacy of a city that has always bridged the gap between the past and the future.
More specifically, Florence is a city steeped in a rich tapestry of history and culture, a heritage that is vividly reflected in contemporary art and our artistic approach. Furthermore, we maintain a constant drive to craft new works and paintings, drawing inspiration from the simple yet beautiful aspects of life. With our experience and mastery of techniques like delicate surface touches, intricate engravings, and a thoughtful choice of colors, we transform this inspiration into pure art.
Fresco on wood with finishing touches.
Dimensions: 80 x 123 cm | 31 x 48,4 inch