Iguarnieri da Firenze
Ciao a tutti da Firenze!!!
We are happy to let you know that the “Bottega” is open!
In this times we are focusing into imagine all the different ways to stay near to our friends and clients.
Now after the lockdown the most important goal for us is keep smiling and work to make beauty.
In this article we would like to share with you a digital version of the last book we printed in digital “DUEZERO DUEZERO” ready for its download. We also have some printed copies at the Studio in Florence but for the far away public you can have it on digital right NOW.
This book contains an image trip of the Iguarnieri’s painting tours around the world, from the first ones in Vancouver, Moscow and Trier till the recent ones alike the Australian with his huge Poppies fresco painting wall. Twenty years travels in few pages.
The Florentine Bottega, our artists, top partners, exhibitions and activities in the most suggestive places.
This image composition is precious for its contemporaneity and each page tells the soul of all the adventures that our Iguarnieri lived working in art.
There is also an original short story written by Roberto Guarnieri, that says in a very unique way the behind the past of the Art Gallery Studio Iguarnieri, of 20 years ago.
A book of thousands colors where is possible to see our joy to share the passion and time working in art for and with people from all around the world.
Click on the image below to star the download and enjoy!
All our best,
a presto!
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