Fresco Painting Master Class
Fresco Painting Master Class
We started this new 2019 with the engines on top!
At Art Gallery Studio Iguarnieri came a group of science students form the Ohio University to make a 3 hours art experience in the fresco painting technique.
This important group is doing a Master of three weeks around the most important places in Italy, getting a full immersion in the highest quality that Italian nature, beauty and art has to offer. So for this reason they choose us to live the Art representation field. Due to our special technique and the roots with the chemistry together with alchemy we use to turn the fresco painting into contemporary art.
Our Master Roberto started the lesson with a telling about the plaster chemistry and its process to become the surface for the paintings. From the marble stone to the wood surface and all its phases.
Following step, hands on work on sketch and composition, exercises for the hands and basic geometrical forms. Our group seated all together and their teachers were following the experience and working too at the same time.
Arriving to the color comprehension and application, time to the water color phase. The students created from the sketches a few postcards, applying in the design what they have learned in the previous theme. The stage of color was very joyful meanwhile began the assimilation of what our Iguarnieri teacher explained before about the fresco painting technique and the painting color that comes utilized on it.
Next destination Fresco Painting.
Our Masters Roberto and Rodolfo explained to the group how to create a flat surface to work on. The plaster spread on the wood table.
One of the principle ideas in a master class like this is to make the students learn how to collaborate with each other, how to learn from each other and make a great opera multiple hands on work. So on, the Iguarnieri artists showed and guided the students into the incision layer and color application when our main material, the plaster, was still fresh. So our purpose for this lesson was to create a three different landscapes, cypresses, flowers and sail boats, all together, incisions and coloring the students jumped from a painting to another, creating a splashing mashup of colors and art.
Arriving to the end and after a lot of working time, each one of the students created an own personal monochrome painting. Making use of the thermic heater gun, element that is necessary to create the crackle effect on the fresco paintings.
From Iguarnieri we want to give a special thanks to this magnificent class and their application during the lesson!!
Article by
Sabrina Gaitan.
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